Iowa Storm Help Resource Directory (BETA)
On Monday, August 10th, 2020, a severe storm (classified as a derecho) rolled through Iowa with damaging wind gusts of 140mph+. This storm left a path of destruction in its wake unlike anything we have experienced before. Hundreds of thousands of Iowa residents were left without power, internet, running water or a place to stay. This website was created to assist those in need. Please use this site as a central resource to connect area needs with volunteers and companies willing to lend a hand.
First person video of the Iowa Derecho
Looking to help but don’t have time or physical resources? We have three ways to give relief funds.
Looking for ways to help? Please use the form on the “I can donate” page. This will help others see what you are working with. THANK YOU for helping in our time of need!
This website needs your help!
In an effort to quickly produce a common resource, we’ve started with the basics and will continue to build as time allows. There might be broken links, filler text, and missing resources. Over the coming weeks will continue to update its content as time allows. If you’d like to help, please sign up to be a site moderator. We are always looking for users to help us share resources and spread the knowledge. Contact Adam Engel for more information.
Our Sponsors & Partners
We are looking for local businesses to partner with us to help those in need. Please contact for sponsorship inquires.